Great for players and easy for trainers

GPS Challenge adds unique value to your business
With GPS Challenge you are able to offer your clients something unique and it will benefit your business in several ways.

  • You will stand out from your competitors.
  • You can charge a premium price for your service.
  • You get more flexibility in your offerings.
  • You can incorporate specific client products or values into the activity (and charge additional).
  • We know, from experince, that word of mouth will generate new customers after just af few events.

See some of our clients and cases.

Easy to use cloud platform
The platform is designed to be user friendly and at the same time flexible enough for adaptation to clients’ needs.

This means teams, assignments and routes can be custom made, reused and combined as it fits your need. Assignments are grouped into a subject packages that can be reused.

A game is a chosen combination of subject packages, routes, teams and GPS equipment (either App or dedicated GPS units).

Ultimately, GPS Challenge will help you to grow your number of clients as well as increase your revenue per client.

Contact us if you want to get more information on how GPS Challenge can help you grow your business.